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Save The Date: August 15th, 2024

14th Annual iSECURE Cybersecurity Summer Conference
Strathallan Hotel - City View Ballroom

Defense in Depth - Dark Ages Meet A.I.

Discover the power of the multi-layered cybersecurity strategy, Defense in Depth with iSECURE at our all-day annual summer conference. 
Inspired by a medieval war tactic and the goal of slowing down the advance of an attack,  Defense in Depth leverages multiple security measures to protect an organization’s endpoints, data, applications, networks and assets.  Hear experts within the industry share insights on how to uncover ways A.I. can be used for good and overcome threat actors who are using it to destroy the cybersecurity landscape.   Be part of thought-provoking discussions where you can ask questions and exchange ideas with top cybersecurity enthusiasts.   

Breakfast and lunch will be served, followed by an exclusive cocktail hour where you can unwind and network with fellow attendees.

More details to come.  Save your seat today!

Please Note:  This event is complimentary due to our very generous sponsors.  Please no competitors or vendors.  Attendees must work in IT/Cybersecurity and have a valid work email address to register.

What is Defense in Depth?

Defense in Depth (DiD) came from a military strategy dating back to 200 B.C by Carthaginian general Hannibal Barca of the Roman army.  The main goal of this battle strategy and tactic was to slow down the advance of an attack and to avoid using manpower in only one strong line of defense.
Today in cybersecurity, Defense in Depth is a strategy that leverages multiple security measures to protect an organization’s assets.  If one of line of defense is compromised, additional layers exist as backup to ensure that threats are stopped along the way.
Defense in depth addresses the security vulnerabilities inherent not only with hardware and software but also with people, as negligence or human error is often the cause of a security breach. More information can be found here.
Stay tuned.  More event details to come.
iSECURE Presentation (1)-1
Stock placeholder image with grayscale geometrical mountain landscape

Feature one

Use text and images to tell your company's story. Explain what makes your product or service extraordinary.

Stock placeholder image with grayscale geometrical mountain landscape

Feature two

Use text and images to tell your company's story. Explain what makes your product or service extraordinary.

Stock placeholder image with grayscale geometrical mountain landscape

Feature three

Use text and images to tell your company's story. Explain what makes your product or service extraordinary.